CAUTION: The 6.4L engine uses a unique camshaft for use with the Multi Displacement System (MDS). When installing a new camshaft, the replacement camshaft must be compatible with MDS.
CAUTION: Use care when installing the camshaft into the engine block, do not damage the camshaft bearings with the camshaft lobes.
1. Lubricate the camshaft lobes (1) and the camshaft bearing journals with clean engine oil.
2. Install a long bolt (2) into the front of the camshaft to aid in the installation, carefully install the
camshaft into the engine block.
3. Install the camshaft thrust plate (1) and tighten retaining bolts to 12 N.m (106 in. lbs.).
4. Install the timing chain and camshaft phaser. Refer to CHAIN AND SPROCKETS, TIMING, INSTALLATION.
5. Using a suitable dial indicator, measure the camshaft end play. Refer to SPECIFICATIONS . If not within specification, install a new thrust plate.
6. Install the oil pump. Refer to PUMP, ENGINE OIL, INSTALLATION.
7. Install the engine timing cover. Refer to COVER(S), ENGINE TIMING, INSTALLATION.
8. Raise and support vehicle.
9. Install the oil pump pickup tube (2) and oil pan. Refer to PAN, OIL, INSTALLATION.
10. Install the A/C condenser (7). Refer to CONDENSER, A/C, INSTALLATION .
11. Install the radiator (12). Refer to RADIATOR, ENGINE COOLING, INSTALLATION .
12. Install the A/C compressor. Refer to COMPRESSOR, A/C, INSTALLATION .
13. Install the generator. Refer to GENERATOR, INSTALLATION .
CAUTION: The 6.4L Multi Displacement System (MDS) engine uses both standard roller lifters and deactivating roller lifters. The deactivating roller lifters must be used in cylinders 1, 4, 6, 7. The deactivating lifters can be identified by the two holes in the side of the lifter body, for the latching pins.
CAUTION: Whenever the camshaft is replaced, all lifters must be replaced. If the lifter and retainer assemblies are to be reused, identify the lifters to ensure installation in their original location or engine damage could result.
CAUTION: The lifter and retainer assembly must be installed as a unit.
14. Install the lifters (2) and retainer (1) as an assembly into their original location. Refer to LIFTER (S), HYDRAULIC, ROLLER, INSTALLATION.
15. Install both cylinder heads (2). Refer to L CYLINDER HEAD, INSTALLATION.
16. Install the pushrods in the same location as removed.
17. Install the rocker arms. Refer to ROCKER ARM, VALVE, INSTALLATION.
18. Install the cylinder head covers. Refer to COVER(S), CYLINDER HEAD, INSTALLATION.
19. Install the accessory drive belt. Refer to BELT, SERPENTINE, INSTALLATION.
20. Install the air cleaner housing (5) and clean air tube (1).
21. Install the negative battery cable.
22. Fill the cooling system with the specified type and amount of engine coolant. Refer to STANDARD PROCEDURE .
23. Fill the crankcase with the specified type and amount of engine oil. Refer to STANDARD PROCEDURE .
24. Install engine covers (1).
25. Start the engine and check for leaks.