1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.

2. Raise and support the vehicle.

3. Drain the cooling system.

4. Remove the oil pan and oil pump pick up tube (2). Refer to PAN, OIL, REMOVAL.

5. Remove the engine timing cover. Refer to COVER(S), ENGINE TIMING, REMOVAL.

6. Verify the slide bushings (1) remain located in the engine timing cover during removal.

7. Remove the oil pump retaining bolts (2) and remove the oil pump (1).

8. Install the vibration damper bolt finger tight. Using a suitable socket and breaker bar, rotate the
crankshaft to align the timing marks with the timing chain sprockets (1, 2).

9. Retract the chain tensioner arm (1) until the hole in the arm lines up with the hole in the bracket.

10. Install the Tensioner Pin (special tool #8514, Pins, Tensioner) (1) into the chain tensioner holes.

CAUTION: Never attempt to disassemble the camshaft phaser, severe engine damage could result.

11. Remove the camshaft phaser retaining bolt (1) and remove the timing chain with the camshaft
phaser and crankshaft sprocket.

NOTE: Inspect the timing chain tensioner and timing chain guide shoes for wear and replace as necessary.

12. If the timing chain tensioner is to be replaced, remove the retaining bolts (3) and remove the
timing chain tensioner (2).

13. If the timing chain guide (1) is to be replaced, remove the retaining bolts (2) and remove the
timing chain guide (1).