Electronic fault codes active or high counts of inactive fault codes
View and troubleshoot the fault codes with INSITElll electronic service tool. Refer to the Troubleshooting and Repair Manual, CM2150 Electronic Control System, ISB, ISC, ISL, ISLe, ISDe, and QSB3.3 Engines, Bulletin 4021570.
Lubricating oil being used has high ash content
Use an engine lubricating oil that meets CES 20081. Refer to the appropriate Owners or Operation and Maintenance manual.
Blending of engine lubricating oil into fuel
Confirm oil blending into fuel. Drain fuel and replace with clean fuel. Discontinue practice of blending oil with fuel. Refer to the appropriate Owners or Operation and Maintenance manual.
Fuel supplement/additive used has high ash content.
Discontinue use of the fuel supplement/additive being used. Refer to Cummins Fuel Recommendation, Bulletin 3379001.
Crankcase pressure is excessive
Check for excessive blowby. Refer to the Crankcase Gases (Biowby)- Excessive Troubleshooting Symptom Tree.
Excessive internal oil consumption
Refer to the Oil Consumption – Excessive Troubleshooting Symptom Tree.