6.7L Cummins Troubleshooting – Engine Speed Surges in PTO or Cruise Control

Fuel level is low in the tank

Fill the supply tank. Refer to the OEM service manual.

Electronic fault codes active or high counts of inactive fault codes

Refer to the Troubleshooting and Repair Manual, CM21 00 and CM2150 Electronic Control System, Bulletin 4021570.

Fast Idle Warm Up feature is activating

If enabled, monitor Fast Idle Warm Up Status with INSITETM electronic service tool while vehicle is operating in PTO mode. Refer to the Troubleshooting and Repair Manual, CM2100 and CM2150 Electronic Control System, Bulletin 4021570.

Fuel leak

Check the fuel lines, fuel connections, and fuel filters for leaks. Check the fuel lines to the supply
tanks. Refer to the OEM service manual.

Fuel inlet restriction

Check for fuel inlet restriction. Refer to Procedure 006-020 in Section 6.

Fuel filter or fuel suction inlet restriction

Check the flow through the fuel filter. Replace the fuel filter if necessary. Refer to Procedure 006-015 in Section 6 to check if the fuel filter is restricted.

Air in the fuel system

Check for air in the fuel system. Refer to Procedure 006-003 in Section 6.

Electronic control module (ECM) calibration is malfunctioning

Verify that the electronic control module (ECM) calibration is correct. Check the calibration
revision history for applicable fixes to the calibration stored in the ECM. Refer to the calibration history spreadsheet ecm_calibration_rev_history.xlson QuickServe ‘M Online Internet Website or the INCAL’M calibration CD. Compare the calibration stored in the ECM with the engine rating and the Control Parts List (CPL), Bulletin 4021328. If necessary, calibrate the ECM. Refer to the following procedure in the Troubleshooting and Repair Manual, CM2100 and CM2150 Electronic Control System, Bulletin 4021570. Procedure 019-032 in Section 19.

Programmable parameters or selected features are not correct

Check the programmable parameters and the selected features with an electronic service tool.
Set the parameters and features again , if necessary. Refer to the following procedure in the
Troubleshooting and Repai r Manual, CM21 00 and CM2150 Electronic Control System , Bulletin
4021570. Procedure 019-078 in Section 19.

J1939 control devices are interfering with the engine controls

Alternately disconnect all other J1939 control devices from the datalink circuit until communication or fun ctionality is restored. Refer to the OEM service manual to locate and repair J 1939 control devices.

Accelerator pedal or lever is restricted or malfunctioning

Check the percent accelerator pedal or lever reading on an electroni c service tool. Verify that it
reads 100 percent with the accelerator pedal depressed and 0 percent when released. Calibrate
the accelerator if possible. Replace the accelerator pedal, if necessary. Refer to the OEM service
manual. Use the following procedure in the Troubleshooting and Repair Manual, CM2100 and
CM2150 Electronic Control System , Bulletin 4021570. Procedure 019-085 in Section 19.

Moisture in the wiring harness connectors

Dry the connectors with Cumminsยฎ electronic cleaner, Part Number 3824510.

Vehicle parasitics are excessive

Check the vehicle for brakes dragging, transmission malfunction, cooling fan operation
cycle time, and engine-driven units. Refer to the OEM service manual.

Crankshaft position sensor or circuit is malfunctioning or wiring is not correct

Check the crankshaft position sensor or circuit. Refer to to the following procedure in the
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual, CM2100 and CM2150 Electronic Control System, Bulletin
4021570. Procedure 019-365 in Section 19. Check the crankshaft position sensor for correct
adjustment and for debris on the sensor.

Camshaft position sensor or circuit is malfunctioning

Check the camshaft position sensor for debris on the sensor. Check the camshaft position sensor
circuit. Refer to the following procedure in the Troubleshooting and Repair Manual, CM21 00 and
CM2150 Electronic Control System, Bulletin 4021570. Procedure 019-363 in Section 19.

Vehicle speed sensor (VSS) or circuit is malfunctioning

Refer to the appropriate electronic service tool manual. If the monitor shows speed, check the
sensor and circuit. Refer to to the following procedure in the Troubleshooting and Repair
Manual, CM21 00 and CM2150 Electronic Control System, Bulletin 4021570. Procedure 019-090 in Section 19 and Procedure 019-091 in Section 19.

Fuel heater is malfunctioning (if equipped)

Check the fuel heater and replace if necessary. Refer to Procedure 005-008 in Section 5.

Fuel connector is leaking fuel

Measure the drain line fuel quantity. Inspect the fuel connector and injector for nicks or damage
that can cause fuel leaks. Refer to Procedure 006-026 in Section 6 and Procedure 006-052 in
Section 6.

Injector sealing washer is not correct

Remove the injectors and verify the injector sealing washer thickness. Refer to Procedure 006-026 in Section 6.

lnjector(s) are malfunctioning

Perform diagnostics to find the damaged injector (s). Replace the injector(s) as necessary. Refer to
Procedure 014-008 in Section 14 and Procedure 006-026 in Section 6.

Injectors are not correct

Reference QuickServeTM Online to verify the injector part numbers. Replace the injector(s), if
necessary. Refer to Procedure 006-026 in Section 6.

Clutch is malfunctioning or is not correct

Check the clutch for correct operation. Refer to the OEM service manual.

Fuel grade is not correct for the application or the fuel quality is poor

Operate the engine from a tank of high quality fuel. Refer to the OEM service manual corresponding to the engine being serviced for fuel specifications.

Turbocharger is not correct

Check the turbocharger part number and compare it to the Control Parts List (CPL), Bulletin 4021328.
Replace the turbocharger if necessary. Refer to Procedure 010-033 in Section 10.

Turbocharger wastegate is malfunctioning (if equipped)

Check the wastegate for correct operation. Refer to Procedure 010-033 in Section 10.

Turbocharger wheel clearance is out of specification

Check the radial bearing clearance and axial clearance. Inspect the turbocharger. Repair or
replace the turbocharger if necessary.

Fuel pump is malfunctioning

Check the fuel pump output pressure with INSITEllol electronic service tool. Replace the fuel pump if necessary. Refer to Procedure 005-016 in Section 5. Monitor fuel rail pressure commanded against
that measured while the vehicle is operating in PTO mode. Refer to the Troubleshooting and Repair, CM2100 and CM2150 Electronic Control System, Bulletin 4021570, for the engine being serviced .

Vibration damper is damaged

Inspect the vibration damper. Refer to Procedure 001-052 in Section 1.

Flywheel housing is not aligned correctly

Check the flywheel housing alignment. Refer to Procedure 016-006 in Section 16.

Transmission damaged

Problem is related specifically to the transmission.
Refer to the OEM service manual.

Internal engine damage

Analyze the oil and inspect the filters to locate an area of probable damage. Refer to Procedure
007-083 in Section 7.