NOTE: The dimensions of the thrust bearing and crankshaft journal determine end play.
Measure the crankshaft end play using dial indicator, Part Number 3824564 and magnetic base, Part Number 3377399.
If the crankshaft end play is not within specification, make sure to inspect the crankshaft and thrust bearing surfaces
for damage.
A common cause for increased crankshaft end play and thrust bearing damage is increased end-loading of the
engine. The increased end-loading can be the result of driven units at the front or rear of the engine being:
โข Incorrectly installed
โข Incorrectly adjusted
โข Incorrectly matched to the engine and exceeding the thrust load limits.
Before removing the main bearing caps, make certain that the caps are clearly marked for their location on the
lubricating oil cooler side of the main bearing cap and cylinder block.
The number 1 cap is at the front of the engine.
NOTE: When replacing bearings in chassis: Replace number 2 through 4 bearings while the number 1 and
number 7 caps support the crankshaft. After replacing number 2 through number 6, replace number 1 and number 7.
Loosen the main bearing capscrews completely, but do not remove.
Use two of the main bearing cap bolts to “wiggle” the main bearing cap loose, being careful not to damage the bolt
Remove the main bearing cap.
Mark the main bearings for position and number as they are removed.
Use an awl to mark the bearing’s position in the tang area.
NOTE: Marking the bearingโขs position is for future identification or possible failure analysis.
Follow this step to remove the upper main bearings, except for the number 1 front main bearing.
To remove the upper main bearing, install the main bearing replacer, Part Number 3823818, in the oil hole of
the crankshaft main bearing journal.
Using barring tool, part number 3824591, rotate the crankshaft so that the replacer contacts the upper main
bearing on the side opposite the tang.
Continue to rotate the crankshaft in the direction that will remove the tang side (1) of the upper main bearing first.
Remove the bearing.
NOTE: The front main bearing, number 1, does not have a hole in the journal, so the tool can not be used to replace
the bearing.
Using a flat blade screwdriver, gently bump the end of the bearing to loosen it from the cylinder block. Then, use
finger pressure against the main bearing shell and rotate the crankshaft to roll the main bearing out.