General Information
Different types of connecting rods are used in B ser.ies engines, depending on the producing plant and when the
engine was built. Not all connecting rods are interchangeable. When replacing a connecting rod, use the following procedure for connecting rod identification and interchangeability. Refer to Procedure 001-999 in Section F.
Not all connecting rods have the part number located on the connecting rod. It will be necessary to identify physical
characteristics of the connecting rod when determining interchangeability with existing connecting rods.
1. Balance weight on the connecting rod cap
2. Protrusion on the short side of the connecting rod
3. Smooth edge on the short side of the connecting rod
4. 1-beam design
5. Oil grooves and thickness of connecting rod bushing.
Clean and Inspect for Reuse
Use solvent to clean the connecting rods.
NOTE: Unless cleaning the contact surface between the connecting rod and connecting rod cap, the rod and cap
must be assembled together with the bolts tightened hand tight to prevent damage to the mating surfaces.
Use solvent and a nylon bristle brush to clean the contact surface between the connecting rod and connecting rod
cap. Dry the contact surface with compressed air.
Dry the connecting rods with compressed air.
Inspect the rod caps, connecting rod bearing saddles, and capscrews for nicks, cracks, burrs, scratches, and fretting.
NOTE: The contact surface between the connecting rod and the connecting rod cap is not a machined surface.
This surface must not be considered damaged unless there are deep nicks or cracks across the surface.
Inspect the contact surface between the connecting rod and the connecting rod cap.
Inspect the connecting rod piston pin bore for damage.
NOTE: The connecting rod small end bore does not have an oil drilling that lines up with the hole in the bushing.
The hole in the bushing is for manufacturing purposes only.
Measure the connecting rod piston pin bushing inside diameter.
Only certain connecting rod bushings can be replaced. If the bushing is found to be damaged or out of specification,
use the following procedure for rod bushing illustrations and identification. Refer to Procedure 001-999 in Section F.
If it is determined that the connecting rod bushing can be replaced , use service tool , Part Number 3823902, to
remove and install the bushing. Instructions on the use of this tool can be found in Service Tool Instruction, Bulletin
Use clean 15W-40 engine oil to lubricate the connecting rod capscrews.
Assemble the connecting rod, rod cap, and capscrews.
Tighten the capscrews.
Torque Value: 100 Nโขm [ 74 ft-lb]
Use a dial bore indicator to measure the inside diameter within a 20-degree arc from each side of the parting line.
Measure the inside diameter at 90 degrees from the parting line.
NOTE: If the connecting rod crankshaft bore measurements are not within specifications, the connecting rod must be replaced.
Repeat the above inspection with the connecting rod bearings installed.
Measure the outside diameter of the connecting rod journal on the crankshaft.
NOTE: If the crankshaft connecting rod journals are not within specifications, the crankshaft must be ground.
Bearing clearance equals the connecting rod crankshaft bore (with bearing) minus the crankshaft connecting rod
journal diameter.
Bearing clearance can also be determined with plastigauge during engine assembly.
NOTE: If the clearance is found to be out of specification, try another set of connecting rod bearings.