The cylinder block and all parts must be clean before assembly. Inspect the cylinder walls of the cylinder block,
if out of specification . Refer to Procedure 001-026 in Section 1.
Use a clean, lint-free cloth to clean the connecting rods and bearing shells .
If new bearings are not used, the used bearings must be installed on the same connecting rod and location from
where they were removed.
Make sure the connecting rod and back surface of the connecting rod bearing surfaces are clean and free of
debris. Do not lubricate the back surface of the connecting rod bearings.
Install the upper bearing shell into the connecting rod.
The tang of the bearing shell must be in the slot of the rod .
The end of the bearing shell must be even with the cap mounting surface.
NOTE: The upper and lower rod bearing shells are not interchangeable on fracture split connecting rods.
Use assembly lube, Part Number 3163087, or equivalent, to coat the inside circumference of the bearing shell.
Apply a film of clean 15W-40 oil to the cylinder block wall.
Lubricate the rings and piston skirts with clean engine lubricating oil.
Rotate the rings to position the ring gaps as shown.
The ring gap of each ring must not be aligned with the piston pin, or with any other ring. If the ring gaps are not
aligned correctly, the rings will not seal properly.
Use piston ring compressor, Part Number 4918294, to compress the rings.
Rotate the crankshaft so the connecting rod journal of the connecting rod being installed is at bottom dead center.
NOTE: The piston and connecting rod assembly must be installed with the correct orientation.
Align the “Front” marking and/or arrow on the top of the piston so that it points towards the front of the engine.
Insert the connecting rod through the cylinder bore until the ring compressor contacts the top of the cylinder block.
The long end of the connecting rod (1) and the notch in the piston skirt (2) will be on the exhaust side of the engine. If not, verify the piston is installed correctly onto the connecting rod.
Hold the ring compressor against the cylinder block.
Push the piston through the ring compressor and into the cylinder bore.
Push the piston until the top ring is completely in the cylinder bore.
NOTE: If the piston does not move freely, remove the piston and inspect for broken or damaged rings.
Carefully push the piston into the bore while guiding the connecting rod to the crankshaft journal.
NOTE: If new bearings are not used, the used bearings must be installed on the same connecting rod cap from
which they were removed.
Install the bearing in the connecting rod cap.
The tang of the bearing (2) must be in the slot of the cap (1).
Use assembly lube, Part Number 3163087, or equivalent, to coat the inside diameter of the bearing shell.
Use clean 15W-40 oil to lubricate the connecting rod capscrew threads and the underside of the connecting rod
capscrew head.
The connecting rod and cap must have the same number and must be installed in the proper cylinder. The connecting rod cap number and rod number must be on the same side of the connecting rod to prevent engine
damage during engine operation.
Install the connecting rod cap and capscrews.
Use a marked socket and torque wrench to tighten the rod capscrews.
Use the torque plus angle method to tighten the connecting rod capscrews in alternating sequence.
Measure the side clearance between the connecting rod and crankshaft.
Do not measure the clearance between the rod cap and crankshaft.
Measure piston protrusion above the cylinder block combustion deck.
NOTE: This procedure is only required after a piston, crankshaft, connecting rod, or block modification/
Measure the piston protrusion with depth gauge assembly Part Number 3823495. Piston or head gasket grading is
not required.
Install the dial indicator on the cylinder head mating surface and zero the gauge.
Move the dial indicator directly over the piston pin to eliminate any side-to-side movement. Do not place the
indicator tip on the anodized area.
Rotate the crankshaft to top dead center. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise and counterclockwise to find the
highest dial indicator reading. Record the reading.
If the piston protrusion is not within specification, verify that the correct parts are installed and/or the cylinder
block combustion deck has been machined improperly.
Refer to Procedure 001-026 in Section 1.
Check for freedom of rotation as the connecting rod caps are installed. If the crankshaft does not rotate freely,
check the installation of the connecting rod bearings and the bearing size.