Install the crankcase ventilation filter housing support bracket mounting onto the top of the flywheel housing.
Install the crankcase ventilation filter housing support bracket capscrews.
Tighten the mounting capscrews.
Torque Value: 18 Nโขm [ 159 in-lb ]
Install the crankcase ventilation filter housing onto the support bracket.
Install the crankcase ventilation filter housing mounting capscrews.
Tighten the mounting capscrews.
Torque Value: 18 Nโขm [ 159 in-lb ]
Install a new a-ring on the crankcase ventilation filter oil drain tube insert. Lubricate the a-ring with clean 15w40
engine oil and install the drain tube insert into the cylinder block.
Connect the crankcase ventilation oil drain tube to the cylinder block insert.
Position the drain tube check valve close to the cylinder block connection.
Connect the drain tube to the crankcase ventilation filter housing.