6.7L Cummins Rocker Levers – Closed Crankcase Ventilation Valve – Install

Rocker Lever Cover Mounted Crankcase Breather
Insert the diaphragm into the crankcase ventilation filter cover cavity so the flat center circle of the diaphragm rests
on the cast-in standoffs in the crankcase ventilation filter cover.
Place the spring in the center of the diaphragm around the flat center circle
Align the closed crankcase ventilation valve housing so the outlet tube aligns with the cutout portion of the crankcase ventilation filter cover.
With the spring aligned with the inlet of the closed crankcase ventilation valve housing, install closed crankcase ventilation valve housing onto the closed crankcase ventilation filter cover.
NOTE: Make sure the perimeter lip of the diaphragm seats in the groove of the closed crankcase ventilation valve
Install the closed crankcase ventilation valve mounting capscrews.
Tighten the mounting capscrews.
Torque Value: 7 Nโ€ขm [ 62 in-lb ]

Rear Engine Mounted Crankcase Breather
NOTE: When installing the crankcase ventilation valve, the arrow on the housing must point in the direction of the
crankcase gas flow. Crankcase gas flow is from the crankcase ventilation filter housing, through the crankcase ventilation valve, to the air intake plumbing.
Connect the hose connection between the crankcase ventilation filter housing and the crankcase ventilation valve.
Install the closed crankcase ventilation valve mounting capscrews.
Tighten the mounting capscrews.
Torque Value: 18 Nโ€ขm [ 159 in-lb ]