6.7L Cummins Lubricating Oil System – Lubricating Oil Dipstick Tube – Remove

If equipped with a locking dipstick, twist the handle counterclockwise to unlock. Pull up to remove the dipstick.

Remove the dipstick from the dipstick tube.
If equipped, remove any dipstick tube supports and clamps.
If equipped, remove the flexible portion of the dipstick tube.

If the dipstick option uses a pressed-in dipstick tube block insert:
• Use a dent puller and an M8 x 1.25 x 21-mm self-tapping capscrew. Thread the capscrew into the dipstick tube, and     remove the tube.
• With the oil pan removed, drive the dipstick tube block insert out with a suitable punch.

If the dipstick option uses an a-ring sealed dipstick tube block insert:
• Remove the capscrew securing the insert to the cylinder block.
• Pull the insert from the cylinder block.
• Remove and discard the o-ring(s) from the dipstick tube insert.