Position the vehicle or equipment on a level surface.
Isolate the engine from the vehicle cooling system by closing coolant flow valves to the equipment heating
systems before initiating repair. This will prevent the heater circuit from draining, minimizing the chance for air
pockets to be present during the fill process. Refer to the OEM service manual for system isolation valve locations.
This air can be very difficult to purge in some applications that have several feet of plumbing and multiple heater cores.
NOTE: If the coolant is being changed, or if the cooling system is being flushed, it is desirable to leave the coolant
flow valves to the equipment heating systems open, in order to completely drain the system.
Use the OEM service manual for any special coolant drain and fill requirements.
These special instructions can also be located near the cooling system access or fill door on the vehicle.
Remove all cooling system fill caps to allow the coolant to drain completely.
Drain the cooling system by opening the drain valve on the radiator and opening the drain valve on the bottom of the
engine oil cooler housing. A drain pan with a capacity of 57 liters [15 gal] is adequate for most applications.
After the cooling system is completely drained, close the drain valves. Refer to the OEM service manual for complete cooling system drain information.
Check for damaged hoses and loose or damaged hose clamps.
Check the radiator for leaks, damage, and buildup of dirt.
Clean and replace as required.