With the engine stopped and the belt installed, record the belt tension generated by the existing belt tensioner.
Use belt tensioner gauge, Part Number ST-1293, to measure the tension in the drive belt.
If the measurement is out of the specified range, replace only the belt and perform the tension test again. If a new
belt has been installed and the measurement is still outside of the specified range, replace the belt tensioner.
With the engine stopped, check the tensioner arm, pulley, and stops for cracks. If any cracks are found , the tensioner
must be replaced.
With the belt instal led, verify that neither tensioner arm stop is in contact with the spring case stop. If either of the
stops is touching:
โข Verify the correct belt part number is installed.
โข If the correct belt is installed, replace the belt. Refer to Procedure 008-002 in Section 8.
After replacing the belt, if the tensioner arm stops are still in contact with the spring case stop, the tensioner MUST
be replaced .
With the belt removed , verify that the tensioner arm stop is in contact with the spring case stop. If these two are
not touching, the tensioner must be replaced .
After replacing the belt, if the tensioner arm stop is still in contact with the spring case stop , the tensioner MUST be
Check the location of the drive belt on the belt tensioner pulley. The belt should be centered on, or close to the
middle of, the pulley. Misaligned belts, either too far forward or backward, can cause belt wear, belt roll-offs, or
increase uneven tensioner bushing wear.
NOTE: Belt mis-alignment is NOT always a result of a malfunctioning or faulty belt tensioner. Make sure the
adjacent pulleys and mounting brackets are alig ned and mounted correctly. Refer to Procedure 008-002 in Section 8.
Remove the drive belt. Refer to Procedure 008-002 in Section 8.
With the belt removed, verify that the tensioner arm stop is in contact with the spring case stop. If they are not
touching, the tensioner must be replaced.