6.7L Cummins Air Intake System – Air Intake Manifold – Clean and Inspect for Reuse

Inspect the air intake manifold heater for plugging or soot buildup. If plugged , check for the source; turbocharger, air compressor, temperature/pressure sensor, relay, or wiring harness.
Soot only covering individual elements is acceptable .
Soot bridging the heating elements is not acceptable.
Replace the air intake manifold cold starting aid if necessary.

NOTE: The cold starting aid and air intake manifold will be coated with a thin layer of carbon. This carbon coating
is normal.
NOTE: Some air intake manifolds have a corrosion resistant coating on the inside. Take care not to scratch
or otherwise damage this coating.
Scrape the gasket surfaces with a gasket scraper on both the intake manifold and cylinder head, taking care not to
drop any gasket material into the cylinder head.

Clean the intake manifold and cold starting aid with solvent and dry with compressed air.
NOTE: Some of the engines equipped with EGA have a corrosion resistant green Teflon coating on the inside
surfaces of the intake manifold. Soot buildup is common on these surfaces, and does not need to be cleaned off.

Inspect the air intake manifold for cracks, warping, or other damage.
Replace if necessary.
NOTE: If the air intake manifold needs to be replaced, there is no need to remove the cold starting aid and install
it on the new manifold. The new manifold will be shipped with a new cold starting aid.