1. Thoroughly clean the crankshaft front seal mounting surface. Coat the NEW crankshaft front seal with multi- purpose grease.
2. Install the crankshaft front seal, using Crankshaft Front Oil Seal Installer (303-484, T94T- 6700-AH) thread adapter, driver sleeve and driver/puller screw. Install the crankshaft front seal until it is fully seated.
3. Assemble Adapter Handle (205-153, T80T-4000-W), to the damper wear ring replacer.
Insert the crankshaft damper wear ring into the damper wear ring replacer and position the assembly into the crankshaft vibration damper. Use a ballpeen hammer to seat the crankshaft damper wear ring into the hub of the crankshaft vibration damper.
4. Apply RTV sealant to the crankshaft keyway prior to crankshaft vibration damper installation. Install the vibration damper, using the driver/puller screw, driver sleeve and thread adapter. See Fig. 113.
NOTE: To prevent the crankshaft from rotating, use a breaker bar for in-vehicle service or the Flywheel Holding Tool (303-103, T74P-6375-A), for bench overhaul.
5. Install the crankshaft vibration damper bolt and washer. Tighten crankshaft vibration damper bolt to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
6. Remove flywheel holding tool. Install the flywheel housing cover and screws. Lower the vehicle. Install the radiator. See RADIATOR. Check and refill the engine oil.