7.3L Power Stroke – CAMSHAFT – Installation

1. If installing camshaft thrust plate and camshaft gear on camshaft, install camshaft thrust plate on camshaft.                  Ensure key is installed in camshaft and camshaft gear keyway and key are free of burrs.
CAUTION: DO NOT heat camshaft gear at more than 500°F (260°C ) or camshaft gear will be distorted.
2. Heat camshaft gear to 500°F (260°C). DO NOT exceed specified temperature of camshaft gear will be distorted.          Press heated camshaft gear onto camshaft, with timing mark facing away from camshaft. Ensure camshaft gear is        seated against shoulder on camshaft.
3. To install, lubricate camshaft journals with engine oil and camshaft lobes with multipurpose grease. Install                  camshaft so camshaft timing mark and crankshaft timing mark are aligned.
See Fig. 119. Install and tighten camshaft thrust plate bolts to specification. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
4. To install remaining components, reverse removal procedure. Ensure proper procedure is used when installing             front cover, rocker arm assemblies and push rods.