7.3L Power Stroke – OVERHAUL – CYLINDER BLOCK ASSEMBLY – Piston & Rod Assembly

1. Ensure connecting rod and connecting rod cap are marked with corresponding cylinder number before removing.      If removing piston from connecting rod, remove snap rings from piston. Tap piston pin from piston.

2. Ensure crankpin bore diameter, out-of-round and taper are within specification. See CONNECTING ROD table           under ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS. Replace connecting rod if not within specification. Check connecting rod                 center-to-center length, bend and twist.
Replace connecting rod if not within specification. See CONNECTING ROD table under ENGINE                                     SPECIFICATIONS.
3. Measure piston pin bushing bore diameter on connecting rod. Bushing may be replaced if diameter exceeds                  specification. See CONNECTING ROD table under ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS. The piston pins are a floating              type piston pin and should not require a press to remove or install them. Install NEW bushing and ream to obtain      correct inside diameter. See CONNECTING ROD table under ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS.
4. For measuring piston diameter, see FITTING PISTONS.