Cummins 4BT – Abnormal Charging System Operation

Check the battery and all wiring connections.
Inspect the wiring for defects. Check all connections for tightness and cleanliness, including the slip connectors
at the alternator and firewall, and connections at the battery.

With ignition switch on and all wiring harness leads con­nected, connect a voltmeter from:
A. Alternator “ BAT” (Delco 158I)“ B + ” (Bosch K1) ter­minal to ground.
B. Alternator No. 1 (Delco 1SSI) to ground.
C. Alternator No. 2 (Delco 1 SSI) to ground.
D. Alternator D + (Bosch K1) to ground.
A zero reading indicates an open between the Alternator connections and the battery.
Locate and repair the open circuit.

With all accessories turned off, connect a voltmeter across the battery. O p e ra te engine at moderate speed.
If voltage is 15.5 or more on a 12 volt system, remove the alternator for repair. The limit for 24 volt systems is 28