Cummins 4BT – Rocker Lever, Valve Stem, Push Rod, Tappet, and Camshaft

Excessive valve lash can indicate a worn valve stem or rocker lever.

Loose rocker levers and the need to re-set the valve clear­ance frequently, can also indicate camshaft lobe or tappetwear. If an inspection of the levers, valve stems and push rods does not show wear, then tappet and/or camshaft
lobe wear can be suspected.

Caution: Anytime a new camshaft is installed, new tap­pets must also be installed.
The camshaft lobes can be visually inspected after re­moving the lubricating oil pan. Similarly, the face of the
tappet can be inspected after removing the push rods and lifting the tappet.

A severely damaged camshaft journals) can generate metal chips which will be found in the lubricating oil pan
and lubricating oil filter. As the clearance between the bushing(s) and journals) increases, a small decrease in
lubricating oil pressure may be detected.