Cummins 4BT – Cylinder Bore Deglaze – Deglazing

Deglazing gives the cylinder bore the correct surface finish required to seat the rings.
NOTE: New piston rings may not seat in glazed cylinder bores.

Wrap the connecting rod journals with a clean cloth.

Cover the cloth with waterproof tape.

Place a clean shop towel around the top main bearing saddle to deflect water and residue from the piston coolยญing nozzles.

Also cover the lubricating holes and tappet holes in the top of the cylinder block with waterproof tape.

A correctly deglazed surface will have a crosshatched appearance with the lines at 15 to 25 degree angles with
the top of the cylinder block.

Use a drill, a fine grit flex-hone and a mixture of equal parts of mineral spirits and SAE 30W engine lubricating
oil to deglaze the cylinder bores.

The crosshatch angle is a function of drill speed and how fast the hone is moved vertically.

This illustration shows the result of the drill speed too slow or the vertical stroke too fast.

This illustration shows the result of the drill speed too fast or the vertical stroke too slow.

NOTE: Vertical strokes must be smooth continuous passes along the full length of the cylinder bore.
Inspect the cylinder bore after 10 strokes.