Air Compressor Will Not Pump
Remove the air governor hose from the air compressor unloader body.
If the air governor is mounted directly on the air compressor, then remove the air governor from the compressor.
Warning: During this test, do not exceed maximum vehide air system pressure or 1035 kPa [150 psi] whichever
is lower. Refer to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Operate the engine to activate the air compressor.
If the air compressor does not pump, then the fault is in the air compressor.
Remove and inspect the cylinder head and unloader components. Refer to Procedure 4-02. If no problems are
found during disassembly or inspection of the cylinder head or unloader components, then the compressor
should be removed and disassembled to determine the cause of the problem.
Warning: During this test, do not exceed maximum vehide air system pressure or 1035 kPa [150 psi] whichever
is lower. Refer to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Operate the engine and check air compressor operation with the air governor removed.
Install the air governor line to the unloader body and tighten.