Cummins 4BT – KSB Wiring Harness – Inspection

The wiring harness used on the wax motor style KSB can be inspected using a volt/ohm meter.
NOTE: Pin ‘C ’ of the metro-pack connector is blank on the wax motor style KSB wiring harness.

Use a volt/ohm meter to perform a continuity check be­tween port A ’ of the metro-pack connector and the female
spade connector at the fuel pump shut down solenoid connector.
Repair the wire if there is an open circuit.
Ohms Resistance – Less than 10.

Use a volt/ohm meter to perform a continuity check be­ tween Port ‘B’ of the metro-pack connector and the fe­male spade connector at the KSB wax motor connector.
Repair the wire if there is an open circuit.
Ohms Resistance – Less than 10.