Cummins 4BT – Troubleshsooting the Electrical Solenoid Style KSB

Remove the temperature switch from the intake manifold.

Caution: The switches are not interchangeable. White smoke will be present if the wrong temperature switch is
Check the part number to be sure the correct temperature switch is used.
NOTE: The electrical solenoid style KSB (used on 91 models and newer) uses a 9 0 °F [32°C] normally closed intake man­ifold temperature switch, Part No. 3921642.

Although the electrical solenoid style KSB uses an intakemanifold temperature switch, the operation of the switch
can be checked by connecting a volt/ohm meter to the switch, placing the switch in ice water, and then heating
the water to 90°F [32°C].
Connect the VOM to the two outside pins of the temper­ature switch.

Check the water temperature with a thermometer.
The VOM should indicate a closed circuit below 90°F [32°C] and an open circuit above 9 0 ° F [32°C],
Replace the switch if necessary.