Capturing and Storing Data
Once a snapshot option has been chosen and the trigger point designated,theTech 1 begins storing serial data and codes in its memory. Uninterrupted data will flow into Tech 1 memory until the memory is full or a trigger occurs. If the memory becomes full before a trigger occurs, data in the memory begins to be replaced on a “first in, first out” basis — the earliest data stored in memory will drop away as it is replaced with the latest incoming data.
During data capture, the lower right corner of the Tech 1 screen will display the following trigger information:
• A flashing “W” (figure 6-35) indicates the Tech 1 is receiving data and storing data, but waiting for a trigger.
• A fixed “T” (figure 6-36) indicates that a trigger occurred. In this mode, the Tech will continue to save data and display the “T” until its memory is full.
• A fixed “0” [zero] (figure 6-37) indicates that the Tech 1 memory is full, which causes the system to go into Data Display mode. The screen in this mode shows the data samples that were recorded at the trigger point.
Reviewing Data Samples
Data that is captured during snapshot operation is stored in “samples.” For example, the data captured at the exact moment of the trigger point is an individual sample. (A collection of samples is called an “event.”)
The Tech 1 can store between 75 and 400 data samples. These samples can have occurred before or after the trigger point sample, depending on which trigger point option was chosen.
The following keys are used to review the stored data samples.
• YES/NO — these keys scroll through the stored data parameter pairs.
• UP/DOWN arrow — these keys view data before and after the trigger point. Each data sample is identified with a number or time index. This index appears in the lower right corner of the Tech 1 display (figure 6-38).
• A negative number indicates data that occurred before the trigger point.
• A “0” [zero] indicates data at the exact moment of the trigger point.
• A positive number indicates data that occurred after the trigger point.
• ENTER — this key toggles between the sample’s number index and time index. The time index display gives the time in seconds, relative to the trigger sample, that the Tech 1 received the currently displayed data (figure 6-39).
• F2 — this key displays any trouble codes present during the sample
• F4 — this key brings the display to the first (earliest) sample
• F5 — this key brings the display to the trigger point sample
• F6 — this key brings the display to the end (last) sample
• EXIT — this key returns the display to the Snapshot Options menu
The Miscellaneous Tests mode is accessed by pressing F4 from the Main Menu. This mode is used to perform a variety of bi-directional checks.
After entering the Miscellaneous Tests mode, the following tests are available for the 6.5L EFI engine (figures 6-40 and 6-41)
• F0: Output Tests— Pressing F0 will display outputtest control modes that allow the Tech 1 to control PCM drivers through bi-directional communication. PCM out puts can be commanded “ON” and “OFF” to test their operation. In most cases, data parameters for the outputs can be displayed as they are being commanded.
The following output tests can be run on 6.5L EFI vehicles (figures 6-42 and 6-43):
• F0: Inj. Pump
• F1: Glow Plug
• F2: Dash Lamps
• F2: Clear DTC— this commands the PCM to clear any stored Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC), both current and history.
• F3: RPM Control — allows control of engine speed.
• F5: Transmission — allows control of transmission solenoids.
• F7: OBDSysChk — performs the On-Board Diagnostic system check.