Most C/K-Models use a spring-type clamp at the radi­ ator hose connections. When this type of clamp is used, the radiator hoses should be installed on dry, non-painted surfaces to ensure proper sealing. Reusing the spring-type clamps on aftermarket hoses is not rec­ommended.

Remove or Disconnect (Figure 10)
• Drain the cooling system.
1. Retaining strap from the upper fan shroud.
2. Clamps from the inlet and outlet radiator hoses.
3. Radiator inlet hose.
4. Radiator outlet hose.

Install or Connect (Figure 10)
1. Radiator outlet hose.
2. Radiator inlet hose.
3. Clamps to the inlet and outlet radiator hoses.

• Screw type clamps to 3 N.m (27 Ibs. in.).
4. Retaining strap to the upper fan shroud.
• Fill the cooling system to the proper level.
• Check for leaks.

5.0L, 5.7L, and 7.4L ENGINES
Remove or Disconnect (Figure 11)
• Drain the cooling system.
1. Retaining strap from the upper fan shroud.
2. Bolt from the hose support.
3. Hose support.
4. Hose clamps from the inlet and outlet hoses.
5. Radiator inlet hose.
6. Radiator outlet hose.

Install or Connect (Figure 11)
1. Radiator outlet hose.
2. Radiator inlet hose.
3. Clamps to the radiator inlet and outlet hoses.


• Screw type clamps to 3 N-m (27 Ibs. in.).
4. Hose support to inlet hose.
5. Bolt.

• Bolt to 3 N-m (27 Ibs. in.).
6. Retaining strap to the upper fan shroud.
• Fill the cooling system to the proper level.
• Check for leaks.

Remove or Disconnect. (Figure 12 ).
• Drain the cooling system.
1. Bolts from the inlet hose support.
2 . Support.
3. Strap from the outlet hose.
4. Clamps.
5. Radiator inlet hose.
6. Radiator outlet hose.

Install or Connect (Figure 12)
1. Radiator outlet hose.
2. Radiator inlet hose.
3. Cl amps.

• Screw type clamps to 3 N-m (27 ibs. in.).
4. Strap to the lower fan shroud.

5. Support to the inlet hose.
6. Support.
7. Bolt.

• Bolt to 9 N-m (80 Ibs. in.).
• Fill the cooling system to the proper level.
• Check for leaks.