[1] – Remove plug covering bevel pinion shaft hole (A).
[2] – Rotate brake arm clockwise to apply resistance to the bevel pinion shaft and loosen nut (B) from pinion.
[3] – Remove cap screws from front cover (C) and remove cover.
[4] – Remove detent plug (D) while disengaging it from the MFWD shift arm.
[5] – Simultaneously pull out shaft assemblies (E and F) while disconnecting shifter (G) from shift fork.
[6] – Pull MFWD output shaft (H).
[7] – Remove nut (B) from pinion.
[8] – Pull pinion shaft assembly (I) from housing.
[9] – Remove snap ring (J) from other side of housing and remove bearing.
[10] – Remove bolt and keeper plate (K).
[11] – Slide shifter assembly (L) out of housing.
[12] – Repeat procedure for MFWD shifter assembly (M).
[13] – Inspect all MFWD shift assembly parts for any wear or damage. Replace any worn or broken parts.
a. Remove snap ring (N).
b. Remove MFWD gear (O) from shaft. Check for wear at the bearing surface.
c. Check shift arm (P) for wear. Replace O-ring (Q).
d. Check spring (R) in detent assembly.
[14] – Inspect all gearshift assembly parts for any wear or damage. Replace any worn or broken parts.
a. Check spring and ball (S) in detent assembly.
b. Remove gears and check for wear at the bearing surfaces.
c. Check shift arm (T) for wear. Replace O-ring (U).
d. Always replace pinion nut (V).
[15] – Install in reverse order of removal.
– Refer to exploded view for correct orientation of the pinion nut.
– Use thread lock and sealer on pinion nut during installation. Snug pinion nut after installing range gear assembly in front cover.
– Use form-in-place gasket on front cover. Install front cover.
– Tighten front cover to transmission cap screws to specification.
– After assembly is complete, hold brake bell crank in an engaged position to keep brake disks engaged and tighten pinion nut to specification.
Install a bolt (A) for this procedure.
Install the external bellcrank .
Turn brake bell crank (B) clockwise until tight and place a tie wrap between end of external bellcrank and installed bolt (A) to keep pressure on brake disks.