John Deere – 1023E, 1025R and 1026R – RIO Operational Check

( 1 ) RIO Operational Check

Damage may occur if PTO is shifted with PTO switch in On position, especially with implement connected.

Vehicle must have mid implement installed.
Start vehicle.
With engine at low idle and PTO switch in OFF position, PTO and PTO indicator light on instrument panel should be off.

There should be a solid detent feel when shifting PTO lever between positions.

Place PTO lever in the MID position.
Place PTO switch in the ON position.
The mid PTO shaft should start rotating and PTO indicator light should be on.
Hold PTO switch in up position.

Observe PTO indicator light on instrument panel. Light should flash while in reverse motion.

If front hitch drive shaft rotation is detected, RIO feature is allowed.

Begin reverse motion and release PTO switch.
MID implement remains engaged while in reverse motion.

YES: RIO is operating properly. Go to next check.
NO: Return to diagnosis in progress.