OM 617 – Removal and installation of oil pressure relief valve

The engines are provided with different oil pressure relief valves:
On engines 61 5.912/913 the oil pressure relief valve is installed in main oil duct, and on engines 615. 9401 941, 616 and 61 7 i t is screwed to oil pump.
On engines 616.91 6 and 61 7.910 differeni oil pressure relief valves were installed.

Version A (engine 616.916)
Oil pressure relief valve (8 bar gauge pressure), part No. 100 180 03 15, with 3 control bores.

Version B (engines 616.916 and 617.910)
Oil pressure relief valve (8 bar gauge pressure), part No. 616 180 00 15, with diagonal slot (shark mouth).
Version C (engines 615.9401941, 616 and 617)
Oil pressure relief valve ( 5 bar gauge pressure), part No. 1 15 180 02 15, with axially offset control bores.
Version D (engines 615.91 21913)
Oil pressure relief valve ( 5 bar gauge pressure), part No. 1 15 180 02 15, with 3 control bores.

Complaints concerning engines 616.916, 61 7.910
On these engines, when engines are cold, oil noises or a pressure drop may occur (at idle below 2 bar with cold oil or 1 bar with warm oil). As a remedy, the oil
pressure relief valve of version C may be installed.
Loose or dropped oil pressure relief valves can be screwed in using sealing compound, part No. 002 989 94 71.

A. Engine 615.91 2/91 3
1. Unscrew closing plug on face.
2.Unscrew oil pressure relief valve (arrow).
3. For installation proceed vice versa. Screw-in closing plug with new sealing ring.

B. Engine 615.940/941, 616 and 617
1. Drain engine oil.
2. Remove oil pan lower half.
3. Unscrew oil pressure relief valve on oil pump.
4. For installation proceed vice versa. Correct oil level in engine.